Must Follow Education Blog

Even if you don’t like coffee, you need to follow Coffee For The Brain, Aaron Maurer’s blog. Every time a new post is published, I question how he has time for everything. His energy for self improvement is extrodinary! From personal podcasts, book reviews, technology suggestions, and educator challenges, Aaron covers everything that keeps a teacher “living in beta”. His posts always inspire me to go beyond what is comfortable and familiar in my classroom and challenge myself and my students.

Recently, Aaron shared a challenge with our Iowa Teacher Voxer group. He is asking educators to share a quick idea (five minutes or less) that helps us or gives us an edge during the day. His examples include:

  • “Teaching – these ideas could be on learning targets, checking for understanding, assessments, tools, tech, classroom management, PBL, STEM, etc.
  • Life – these ideas could be on mindfulness, balance, productivity, art, creativity, relaxing, etc.”

While I plan to contribute an idea this week, I’m asking teachers who read my blog to also send Aaron a suggestion that works in your life. Challenge yourself to share! Through Aaron, your ideas will help so many others. While you’re at it, follow his blog so you can benefit from the ideas other people share during March.

25 Day Challenge 

2 thoughts on “Must Follow Education Blog

  1. Pingback: ITEC Goals | lifeworthsharing

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