Organized For A New Year

It’s hard to believe I’m headed back to work next week. I’ve had the most relaxing yet adventurous summer vacation, so I won’t complain. It’s just hard to believe it’s over! I spent yesterday in my classroom organizing and recycling. With the help of Dropbox and Google Drive, most lesson planning and curriculum revamping can be completed from my house while I watch GMA. This week is about sorting through piles of paper no longer necessary with a paperless (iPad) classroom. I was hesitant to throw things out last year because I didn’t know how students would react to the iPads and if I would need to differentiate learning to also include hard copies. The transition to iPads was easier than I anticipated. Say goodbye to copies and clutter.

Also, one of my goals when I started working was to transition the school’s PC lab into an Apple lab. Six years later and it’s complete! Money raised from selling ads in our school newspaper provided the funds to purchase a few iMacs each year. We now have 15! It’s beautiful and efficient! Add this to each student using an iPad and the use of our classroom Apple TV, and we’re doing our part to keep my cousin Christine in business at Apple Headquarters! 😉

Photos coming soon!